January 04th, 2025
January 10th, 2025
January 20th, 2025
Karpagam College of Engineering has been successfully organizing the International Conference on “Intelligent Systems and Controls (ISCO)” since 2008 under various themes given below
Emerging Global Technologies in the E-car
Technologies Enhanced Learning
Microsystems Technology and its Application
Robotics and Automation
Green Computing and Networking
Intelligent System for Smarter Planet
Green and Sustainable Technologies
Green Challenges and Smarter Solutions
Green Technologies for Global Economic and Social Development
Smart and Sustainable Intelligent Technologies for Digital World
The conference presents a platform for the researchers to build
solutions for smart society by applying computational Intelligence
on the critical research issues around the world. This also
provides researchers to solve the problems faced by current
Karpagam College of Engineering (KCE) was established in the year 2000 under the aegis of Karpagam Charity Trust by Dr. R. Vasanthakumar the Chairman and Managing Trustee. Dr. R. Vasanthakumar was a Gold Medallist in Electrical Engineering and has devoted himself to the spread of Engineering and Higher Education among the deserving and needy public. He is a great philanthropist and a shrewd entrepreneur. The Vision of the institute is to provide quality education with ample industrial exposure and teaching - learning methods best suited for all learners. KCE got its autonomy status in 2010 and for the past 24 years, the institution has excelled in terms of performance with regard to curriculum and its implications on society’s welfare & Nation building. We are offering 12 UG programmes i.e. AI&DS, CIVIL, CSE, CST, CSD, CSE(CY), ECE, EEE, ETE, IT, MECH,VLSI and 2 ME Programmes namely Mechatronics, and VLSI and 2 PG programmes in MBA, MCA and Ph.D. Research programmes in CSE, IT, EEE, ECE, MECH, and Maths. The institution strongly believes in building knowledge and skills through strong industry interactions, collaboration and training through various Centre of Excellence. The institute is accredited by NAAC with A+ (II cycle) and NBA for CSE, CIVIL, EEE, ECE, IT and MECH. The institute has signed 100+ MoUs with leading manufacturing industries, service industries, research organizations and foreign universities to equip the faculty fraternity and students community on cutting edge technology. It helps to collaborate across domains and integrate courses in cross functional ways. The campus of KCE is beautifully landscaped in a lush green stretch in the palghat pass Coimbatore, the manufacturing hub and the Manchester of South India. Our 5000+ students and 16,000+ Alumni is the cornerstone of our success.
To become one of the best institutions at the National and International level by incorporating innovative teaching -learning methods to enable the students to secure a high-value career, motivate to pursue higher education and research to serve the society.
To bring out knowledgeable engineers and professionals in their field of specialization by having qualified and trained faculty members and staff besides necessary infrastructure and to create highly conducive teaching and learning environment.
To work in close association with stakeholders by way of enhanced Industry – Institute Interaction, to take up need based research and industry specific programmes.
To organize Co-curricular and Extracurricular activities for character and personality development to produce highly competent and motivated engineers and professionals to serve and lead the society.
The conference seeks to unite researchers and experts from different fields on a shared
platform. Its goal is to facilitate discussions and the exchange of expertise and perspectives. This
collaboration aims to enhance knowledge and contribute to the development of advanced, user-friendly
intelligent systems and control mechanisms. The theme of the conference is "Idea Innovation in Intelligent
Systems and Control." This theme underscores the importance of sharing innovative ideas that integrate
advanced methodologies and techniques to create intelligent, responsive, and efficient systems.
Intelligent systems and control technologies are pivotal in transforming real-world concepts into practical
applications, delivering efficient, sustainable, accessible, and affordable smart solutions. This conference
offers significant opportunities to stimulate educational growth for researchers, academicians, and
postgraduate students by exploring the latest advancements in these fields. It also serves as a powerful tool
for educators to collaborate with peers, exchange knowledge, and gain access to cutting-edge technical
resources that support professional development.
The two days conference will feature keynote speeches and paper presentations across various specialized
sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the latest trends in intelligent systems and
control, enabling them to update their knowledge, enhance their professional capabilities, and contribute to
the advancement of both their organizations and society at large.
Selected papers of the conference may be recommended for publication in the following tentative reputed journals with authors consent.
High quality papers will be short listed for possible publication in
We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical result, various domain area outlined and other relevance area to the theme of the conference.
Dr. R. Vasanthakumar
Chairman and Managing Trustee, Karpagam Charity Trust
Shri. K. Murugaiah
Chief Executive Officer, Karpagam Educational Institutions
Dr. V. Kumar Chinnaiyan
Karpagam College of Engineering.
Indian Delegate ( ₹ ) | 2500(INR) |
ISTE/IEEE/CSI/ACM Delegate Members( ₹ ) | 2000(INR) |
Foreign delegates ( $ ) | 50(USD) |
Indian Delegate ( ₹ ) | 3000(INR) |
ISTE/IEEE/CSI/ACM Members ( ₹ ) | 2500(INR) |
Foreign Delegate ( $ ) | 100(USD) USD |
Indian Delegate ( ₹ ) | 3500 |
ISTE/IEEE/CSI/ACM Members ( ₹ ) | 3000 |
Foreign Delegate ( $ ) | 150 USD |
1. Deadline for Abstracts/Papers: 4th January 2025
2. Papers should be submitted in [format, e.g., IEEE/APA] and should not exceed 8 to 10 pages limit.
3. Papers to be submitted using the following link.
Register Here : https://forms.gle/hZXavjaxZDMjECPX6
All papers will be published in Conference Proceeding with ISBN number.
Accepted papers will be submitted to reputed Scopus indexed journal LIBRARY PROGRESS INTERNATIONAL and UGC CARE JOURNAL ASMITADARSH , subject to Journal Scope and Quality Requirements.
Extended version of the selected papers will be recommended for SCI or Reputed Scopus Indexed journal.
We look forward to your valuable contribution and hope to see you at International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control.